Commissioned by the museum, Spectral-Luma Ellipse is an architectural glass entrance wall that optimizes natural light with incandescent, transmitted and reflected light. Using state of the art aerospace technology, the artist structurally integrated within the twenty feet long by ten feet high opening, a work that reveals to the pedestrian viewer its changing patterns of depth, shape and color. Site specific, the glass doorway enhances and compliments the architectural space, allowing the viewer to interact with the work as they walk through the doorway opening. The artwork transforms from transparent to translucent and from colorless to a spectral range of color depending on direction of approach.
“Thomas Patti’s technical innovations are matched by esthetic imagination. He developed a method of fusing layers of glass with colored shapes, bubbles, refractions and other incidents trapped between them. His lively, light struck …… panels incorporated into the exhibition space’s entrance doors, are made of sheets of glass fused with colored rectangles...”